

[琅琊榜x伪装者]击鼓传画 Fan-Art Passing Game




[Nirvana in Fire & The Disguisers] Fan-Art Passing Game

Here you can find our game rules in both Chinese and English. Enjoy!



  • 玩法参考 @茶喵给的友情链接https://cansu.lofter.com/post/e29af_6630734(接上一棒一个元素,cp不限,可拆可逆可邪教,画自己喜欢的即可)

  • 自行加入@杜康九(群组管家)友情提供Q群 414620632  敲门砖:击鼓传画

  • 群组原住民NPC 总受@Fitzk(迎宾&催稿&翻译校对) 

  • 一人1~2日 草稿接棒

  • 正稿jpg截止日統归 @茶喵 (编辑)

  • 感谢 @马背 翻译官提供的英翻

- Game Rules

Dear illustrators,

You are invited to The Fan-art Telephone Game, a fan-art passing game of the Chinese dramas "Nirvana in Fire" and "The Disguisers". Come join us and have fun! 

  • Demonstration: https://cansu.lofter.com/post/e29af_6630734;

  • After receiving the artwork, please recreate in your own style on the base of the former work but keep at least one element (i.e.: similar colours, gestures, figures or landscape etc.) of the former one;

  • Pass your work down to the next person in line within two days;

  • Feel free to polish your work after submission, but please be reminded to keep the overall structure unchanged;

  • As long as the work is related to the two dramas, all combination of shippings and pairings is welcome.

Enjoy it!


  1. 主催&首席外交 撸主   @巳九 

  2. 智能管家@杜康九

  3. 澈总迷妹1号&翻译官@马背

  4. 马背迷妹1号@寂寞腎虧_藍藍鹿-K

  5. 杂食@王叔叔 

  6. @自挂东南枝

  7. 灯野迷妹1号&邪教@茶喵   

  8.  @SemiMage 

  9. @拾捌個好友申請

  10. @酱肘子

  11. @两仪家的孩子

  12. 专业冷场@ELEVEN觴

  13. 茅台迷妹1号@千灯

  14. 灯野本人@近水楼台先过夜

  15. @十二支

  16. @橡树洞

  17. 画风正经人猥琐@苏 小 遇

  18. @典七 

  19. @瞪羚

  20. @UNTOLD 

  21. @Jing 

  22. @ARES

  23. @白笠❅寒霜

  24. 茅台迷妹3号&马背迷妹2号@给点糖蹦蹦跳  

  25. @鹿林白

  26. @inori 

  27. @kaka

  28. @Langsaram 

  29. @三球 

  30. @momezonsuk 

  31. 茅台迷妹2号&十二分蠢@凌释又叫图儿

  32. @穿件外套胡说八道

  33. 灯野迷妹2号&同人西点达人&澈总迷妹2号@贾尼苹果酒

  34. @绿繁如旧 

  35. @火勺 

  36. 头牌@榴莲莲

  37. @身寸口巴✨ 

  38. @日辰日辰 

  39. @鲜吃鸡 

  40. 澈总本人@三育攵 

  41. 黄暴小能手@maruko--o

  42. 镇楼貔貅@一壶茅台

